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Investor Insights > News > Am I eligible for the Age Pension?
November 2023
Whether you're on the cusp of retirement or just curious about what the future holds, understanding your eligibility for the Age Pension is a very important aspect of retirement planning.
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There's one topic that concerns many of us as we approach the latter stages of our careers - will we be able to access the Age Pension?
Whether you're on the cusp of retirement or just curious about what the future holds, understanding your eligibility for the Age Pension is a very important aspect of retirement planning.
The Age Pension is provided by the Australian government to eligible individuals who have reached the Age Pension age, which is currently 67. It's designed to help seniors maintain a decent standard of living during their retirement years.
The eligibility age for the Age Pension is not set in stone. The government has been gradually increasing it in recent years. It was increased again in July this year. Now, those born after 1 January 1957 need to wait until they turn 67 to claim it.
To qualify for the Age Pension, you must be an Australian resident and present in Australia on the day you apply. You'll also need to meet certain residence requirements, which include:
If you don't meet these requirements, there are some exceptions and agreements in place with other countries that might still allow you to claim the Age Pension, but it's a good idea to seek advice from the Department of Human Services or a financial adviser to clarify your situation.
Eligibility is subject to an income and assets test. This is where things can get a bit tricky, as it depends on your financial situation. The government uses both tests to determine your eligibility and the amount you'll receive.
Let's break down each of those tests:
When it comes to assessing your financial situation, the government uses something called deeming rates for financial investments like savings accounts and term deposits. These rates assume a set rate of return on your investments, regardless of what you're actually earning. As of September 2023, the deeming rates were as follows:
Keep in mind that these rates frequently change, so be sure to check the latest rates when you're planning your retirement finances.
Now that you've got a better understanding of the eligibility criteria, let's talk about how to claim the Age Pension. It's a good idea to apply for the Age Pension up to 13 weeks before you reach your eligible age. You can do this by:
When you apply, you'll need to provide various documents to support your claim, such as proof of identity, residency, income, and assets. Make sure you have all these documents ready to streamline the application process.
If you don't meet the criteria for a full Age Pension, don't fret! You might still be eligible for a part-pension. This is where the income and assets tests come into play. If your income or assets are slightly above the thresholds for a full pension, you could receive a partial payment.
Once you start receiving the Age Pension, it's essential to keep your personal and financial details up to date. Changes in your income, assets, or living situation can affect your entitlement. So, be sure to notify Centrelink of any changes promptly to avoid any overpayments or underpayments.
Navigating the Age Pension can be complex, especially when you consider the various rules and changes that can occur over time. That's why it's highly recommended to seek professional financial advice before making any significant decisions about your retirement plans.
A financial adviser can help you maximise your entitlements and ensure you're making the most of your retirement income.
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