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Investor Insights > News > Five rules of money management
August 2023
Key takeaways
Just like physical fitness, achieving financial fitness requires discipline, knowledge, and effort. But don't worry, because once you have those skills in your armoury, the path to financial freedom will start to unfurl before your eyes.
No matter your income level or financial goals, everyone can benefit from developing strong money management skills.
Here are five rules of money management that can help you build a solid foundation for your financial wellbeing:
Establish a budget that outlines your income, expenses, and savings goals. Stick to this plan and track your spending to ensure you're living within your means.
Make saving a priority by setting aside a portion of your income each month. Aim to save at least 10 percent (and ideally 20 percent) of your earnings for both short-term emergencies and long-term goals.
That's not to say you should be overly frugal either. If you are so disciplined with your spending that you leave little or no budget for fun activities, it is unlikely that you will maintain that habit for a prolonged period, so don't forget to treat yourself and your loved ones.
When wages are received, try to allocate a portion to savings before paying bills or spending on discretionary items. This helps prioritise your financial future and can become so habitual that you'll hardly notice the money going, but you can be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your savings grow.
Most of us need to take on debt at some point in our lives, particularly for big ticket items such as a house or a new car, but try to avoid accumulating high-interest debt whenever possible. Try paying off existing debts systematically, starting with those with the highest interest rates. Use credit responsibly and only when necessary.
Consider investing. Some investments include shares, bonds and real estate. Selecting an investment will depend on your financial situation and risk tolerance.
Don't just focus on short-term outcomes. Long-term goals, such as retirement, should also be given due prominence and consideration in your investment strategy. Seek professional investment advice if required.
Another key aspect to consider when investing for your future is to make sure you're covered in the event of a major setback.
Ensuring you have adequate insurance coverage for things such as health care, home, motor, life, and income safeguards should your finances take a hit when unexpected events occur.
Consider building an emergency fund that covers up to six months' worth of living expenses. This fund can provide a safety net during unexpected financial setbacks, such as a prolonged period of unemployment or illness.
Consider keeping a record of all your expenses to gain insight into your spending habits. Identify areas where you can make adjustments to save money, such as shopping around for better insurance deals, having more home-cooked meals rather than expensive takeaways, or holidaying in your own country rather than overseas.
Before making a purchase, consider asking yourself whether it aligns with your financial goals. Implementing a waiting period for significant purchases helps you to avoid impulsive buying.
Stay informed about personal finance topics, investment strategies, and money management techniques. Education equals personal empowerment. Continuously improve your financial literacy by reading books, attending seminars, and following reputable financial websites. The more you know, the better financial decisions you can make.
Consider defining specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) financial goals. Break them down into actionable steps to stay motivated and achieve success.
So, take charge of your finances, embrace smart spending habits, and enjoy watching your financial dreams transform into a rewarding reality.
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