Responsible Investment Policy - defines the role Responsible Investment plays in the assessment, selection and monitoring process of externally appointed managers and outlines the framework for identifying and managing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities across a number of Managed Investment Schemes. This policy covers OnePath Funds Management Limited (OPFM) where it acts as a Responsible Entity/trustee of a managed investment scheme.

The policy identifies four core Responsible Investment Beliefs which promote ESG principles and considerations in our investment decisions and offerings:

  • ESG issues can be a source of opportunity and risk in the management of investment portfolios;
  • Consideration of ESG issues assists in meeting long-term performance objectives;
  • Proxy voting and company engagement can positively influence corporate behaviour; and
  • Climate change creates significant long-term risks and opportunities that require special attention.

 Proxy Voting Policy - sets out OPFM’s rules that are applied in relation to proxy voting and the disclosure of voting activities.

View the Proxy Voting Summary for the 2023-24 financial year.

Other relevant policies

For details relating to OnePath Custodians Limited (OPC) as trustee for the Retirement Portfolio Service, please read the IIML, OPC & OFM Responsible Investment Policy.