Our Annual Members’ Meeting was held on 18 February, providing members a chance to learn more about their super, its performance in 2024 and the outlook for 2025. We also dedicated time to answer your questions.

If you weren’t able to join on the day, or simply want to watch it again, we’ve put a recording of it below.

Recording of the meeting


Skip ahead with our time codes:


Welcome and Fund Update – Danielle Press, Chair


Investment and Market Update – Dan Farmer, Chief Investment Officer




Meeting concludes

Meeting minutes and members’ questions and answers

Download a copy of the meeting minutes

Access members’ questions and answers that we didn’t get to during the meeting

Ahead of the AMM, we have made available additional information and documents related to your fund1:

View short form summary

1The fund covered by the Annual Members’ Meeting is Retirement Portfolio Service. For a full list of products covered by this notice, refer to the Frequently asked questions below.

What is the Annual Members’ Meeting?

The Annual Members’ Meeting, overseen by the Fund’s Trustee, OnePath Custodians Pty Limited, is an opportunity for members to hear about the performance of their super fund during the previous financial year ending 30 June, the economic outlook and the funds’ strategic plan. It also provides members with a forum to ask questions.

What is the Trustee and its role?

The Trustee of Retirement Portfolio Service is OnePath Custodians Pty Limited. The Board of OnePath Custodians Pty Limited consists of a group of external non-executive directors.

The Trustee has both statutory and fiduciary responsibility to manage Retirement Portfolio Service in the best financial interests of its members. This involves overseeing the super fund’s operations and compliance with relevant laws and regulations and making decisions prioritising the interests of our super fund members.

Do I need to attend?

No, you don’t have to attend. We will post a recording of the meeting on our website within one month after the meeting, together with the minutes of the meeting and any questions and answers that we couldn’t get to at the meeting.

If I can’t attend can someone else attend for me?

Anyone can watch a recording of the meeting on our website one month after the meeting.

That time doesn’t suit me. Can I watch the recording afterwards?

A recording of the meeting will be available on our website within one month after the meeting.

What funds does this meeting cover?

This meeting covers members who have their super in the Retirement Portfolio Service. See below for a full list of products covered by this meeting:

  • OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super and Pension
  • OnePath OneAnswer Term Allocated Pension
  • ANZ OneAnswer Term Allocated Pension
  • OptiMix Term Allocated Pension
  • ANZ Smart Choice Super and Pension
  • ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees
  • ANZ Smart Choice Super for QBE Management Services Pty Ltd and their employees
  • Grow Wrap Super and Pension Service
  • OneCare Super
  • World of Protection (Leading Life) - Super
  • Legacy Risk only products
  • Heritage Products below:
  • Traditional Endowment Super
  • Traditional Whole of Life Super
  • Savings Accounts – Super
  • OnePath Guaranteed Pension
  • OnePath Allocated Pension (also known as Flexible Retirement Plan)
  • OnePath Personal Retirement Plan

When is the Annual Members’ Meeting held?

The Retirement Portfolio Service financial year ends on 30 June, and the Annual Members' Meeting must be held by 31 March the following year.

When will I be notified?

Notices to all super fund members are from late November.

Where can I find information from your previous meetings?

You can view the minutes, member questions and answers, and view of a recording of our previous meetings on our Trustee and Fund Information page.

OnePath Custodians Pty Limited (ABN 12 008 508 496, AFSL 238346, RSE L0000673) (OPC) as the trustee of the Retirement Portfolio Service (the Fund) (ABN 61 808 189 263) and the product issuer. OPC is a part of the Insignia Financial group of companies comprising Insignia Financial Ltd (ABN 49 100 103 722) and its related bodies corporate. The Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) (ABN 11 005 357 522) brand is a trademark of ANZ and is used by OPC under licence from ANZ. ANZ and companies within the Insignia Financial group are not related bodies corporate (Insignia Financial Group). ANZ does not guarantee these products.