We aim to help you understand super and investments so you can be more active in making them grow; let’s start by covering some of the basics. Of course, before making any investment decisions, you should speak to your adviser and read the relevant disclosure documents.
What is OptiMix?
When you invest with OnePath, you can be confident you're accessing world leading investments, handpicked by experts.
Our investment offer gives our customers access to a range of actively managed, expertly diversified investment portfolio options focused on delivering strong, consistent returns in all market conditions.
Our three offers are:
- Single manager funds managed by a suite of highly rated specialist managers with proven track records
- OptiMix, our multi-manager process
- OnePath diversified multi-manager funds
Proven expertise and consistent returns
The strength of the OptiMix process is reflected by the OptiMix investment team which consists of highly qualified and experienced investment professionals. The OptiMix solution aims to deliver consistent yet competitive returns by combining managers with different investment approaches across a range of asset classes, where weights between asset classes and managers are constantly evaluated and adjusted.
Peace of mind
With OptiMix you can be assured that your investments are being managed by a team of experienced investment professionals purely focused on ensuring your investment portfolio is positioned for strong, consistent, and long-term investment returns.
Effective diversification
Diversification is a key feature of the OptiMix multi-manager process. Diversification means that to reduce risk and protect your portfolio against market volatility, you don’t put all your ‘eggs into one basket’ but spread your money across different investment managers and asset classes in a dynamic way to provide more consistent returns. The OptiMix investment team rigorously monitors economic conditions, financial markets and investment managers to ensure the portfolios are sufficiently robust to withstand market fluctuations.
The Multi-manager map shows the current line up of investment managers selected for each asset class.
Access the world’s leading specialist investment managers
To produce superior investment outcomes, the OptiMix investment team chooses managers who are not only highly regarded but have a proven track record in managing investment portfolios in their area of expertise. Some of the managers are not normally available to retail investors in Australia, which means by choosing OptiMix you can gain access to some of the most talented and successful investment managers the global funds management industry has to offer.
Choice of investment funds
As investors have different investment objectives, risk preferences and time frames, OptiMix provides a comprehensive range of diversified and single sector portfolio options. Your financial adviser will be able to assist you by assessing your individual needs and financial risk profile.
Related Documents
- Optimix Client Brochure (PDF 1,110kB)
OptiMix Fund Range
You can access OptiMix through a range of expertly constructed portfolios. OptiMix offers two groups of portfolios for you to choose from, according to your particular objectives, time frame and risk profile.
Multi-sector funds
Each multi-sector fund invests in a diversified portfolio of Australian and international assets through a mix of managers in accordance with the OptiMix Multi-manager investment process.

Single-sector funds
Each sector fund invests in a single asset class with diversified investment managers.

Whether you want to build your super, provide an income stream in your retirement, or increase your wealth over the long term the OptiMix suite of funds has an all in one solution for you.
OptiMix is currently available on the following OnePath platforms:
To find out more
Contact your financial adviser to discuss the most suitable investment option for your needs. Alternatively call Customer Services on 133 665 weekdays from 8.30am to 6.30pm (Sydney time). Our Customer Services Representatives can send you a Product Disclosure Statement and point you in the right direction.
What is OptiMix?
When you invest with OnePath, you can be confident you're accessing world leading investments, handpicked by experts.
Our investment offer gives our customers access to a range of actively managed, expertly diversified investment portfolio options focused on delivering strong, consistent returns in all market conditions.
Our three offers are:
- Single manager funds managed by a suite of highly rated specialist managers with proven track records
- OptiMix, our multi-manager process
- OnePath diversified multi-manager funds
Proven expertise and consistent returns
The strength of the OptiMix process is reflected by the OptiMix investment team which consists of highly qualified and experienced investment professionals. The OptiMix solution aims to deliver consistent yet competitive returns by combining managers with different investment approaches across a range of asset classes, where weights between asset classes and managers are constantly evaluated and adjusted.
Peace of mind
With OptiMix you can be assured that your investments are being managed by a team of experienced investment professionals purely focused on ensuring your investment portfolio is positioned for strong, consistent, and long-term investment returns.
Effective diversification
Diversification is a key feature of the OptiMix multi-manager process. Diversification means that to reduce risk and protect your portfolio against market volatility, you don’t put all your ‘eggs into one basket’ but spread your money across different investment managers and asset classes in a dynamic way to provide more consistent returns. The OptiMix investment team rigorously monitors economic conditions, financial markets and investment managers to ensure the portfolios are sufficiently robust to withstand market fluctuations.
The Multi-manager map shows the current line up of investment managers selected for each asset class.
Access the world’s leading specialist investment managers
To produce superior investment outcomes, the OptiMix investment team chooses managers who are not only highly regarded but have a proven track record in managing investment portfolios in their area of expertise. Some of the managers are not normally available to retail investors in Australia, which means by choosing OptiMix you can gain access to some of the most talented and successful investment managers the global funds management industry has to offer.
Choice of investment funds
As investors have different investment objectives, risk preferences and time frames, OptiMix provides a comprehensive range of diversified and single sector portfolio options. Your financial adviser will be able to assist you by assessing your individual needs and financial risk profile.
Related Documents
- Optimix Client Brochure (PDF 1,110kB)
OptiMix Fund Range
You can access OptiMix through a range of expertly constructed portfolios. OptiMix offers two groups of portfolios for you to choose from, according to your particular objectives, time frame and risk profile.
Multi-sector funds
Each multi-sector fund invests in a diversified portfolio of Australian and international assets through a mix of managers in accordance with the OptiMix Multi-manager investment process.

Single-sector funds
Each sector fund invests in a single asset class with diversified investment managers.

Whether you want to build your super, provide an income stream in your retirement, or increase your wealth over the long term the OptiMix suite of funds has an all in one solution for you.
OptiMix is currently available on the following OnePath platforms:
To find out more
Contact your financial adviser to discuss the most suitable investment option for your needs. Alternatively call Customer Services on 133 665 weekdays from 8.30am to 6.30pm (Sydney time). Our Customer Services Representatives can send you a Product Disclosure Statement and point you in the right direction.
The information on this site is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking into account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) before deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, the product.